Promoting your gig
Are you in the Macarthur Area and an Entertainer, Promoter or Venue? Then you may be interested in promoting your gigs on the Macarthur Gig Guide (MGG).
The Macarthur Gig Guide is the only comprehensive website and Facebook page which promoted live entertainment in Macarthur.
MGG has been promoting venues and live entertainment since 2014, and has a healthy following by music fans, plus support & endorsement by Macarthur Tourism, C91.3FM Radio, 2MCR Radio, In Macarthur Magazine, with more opportunities always under discussion. The service is a valued resource and premium ‘go-to’ by local music-loving followers, performers, and organisations alike.
Simply download the MGG Advertising Agreement form below. Note the requirements contained in the form, and make your decision to advertise on the Macarthur Gig Guide.
The costs are explained in the MGG Advertising Agreement form. From as little as $30 + GST per month you can get your gigs posted on the Macarthur Gig Guide as well as the associated and highly followed Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Maurice on 0407763500.
Download the Macarthur Gig Guide Promotion Presentation HERE
C91.3FM promotion –
Macarthur Tourism –